Futurlec.com sells some cheap solar panels http://futurlec.com/Solar_Panel.shtml. To charge car battery voltage must be somewhat over 12V so i bought 3x6V. Each costs $19,90 and gives output of 400mA. Total power of these panels charger is 7,2W for $60.
In addition to solar panels is needed solar charge controller which costs $22,90 for 5A. If you have these and any 12V battery then you are basically ready to go. I bought also 10m of general electric wire to connect panels on the roof and battery at home. There re ventilation ducks from appartment to appartmentblock roof so it was very easy to put the wire through it.
You will get best performance out of panels if they always face sun directly. Actually performance drop is not awful if you have panels statically mounted, facing south and in 45 degrees angle. Solar panels are giving out quite well even if weather is cloudy and sun is not directly shining on panels.
To use solar power stored for common electrical devices is needed inverter. This costs around $50 for 300W of output power. Now there is emergency power at my home. If electricity happens to fail, i can still run my router and computer and have internet. UPS of similar size costs loads of more money and i can use green solar energy.