Before going to build big thing i wanted to create something as proof as concept. Generating electricity with bike seemed to be the simplest and cheapest.
I went to car junk yard and picked up opel kadett car alternator for $8 and used 55Ah car battery for $20(at shop was told battery is just charged and ready to be installed to car, actually at home i measured under 10V eg battery was as dead as could be). Also i have at home 300W inverter that creates 220V 50Hz from 12V DC. I had at home mountain bike that i haven't used much. Also i picked up some 2mm thick metal plates, drill bit, mains wiring from hardware store and thats almost all that was needed.
To turn ordinary bike into generator is needed stand to lift up the rear wheel, secondly is needed generator to be connected to pedals. One industrial strength bike stand cost like $400 including shipping.
I created stand out of thick enough wood. I created 2 T-shaped pieces where upward facing part is thick enough. For connecting 2 pieces of lumber is used metal corner pieces. Wood stand was connected to bike frame with easily bendable metal strip used connecting gypsum carcass to walls, place the strip and just screw in a few screws with cordless drill.
Alternator itself was connected with holed metal plates. One end was connected to wood stand and then i just plac
First setting connecting alternator was that i removed tyre and improvised drive belt from string. Best homemade drive belt i managed to build was created from multithreaded string. Each thread could be tied together separately and this made knot to be the smallest. Line was covered with duck tape to increase its traction.
Everything connected it was start to test. Peddaling with fastest gear successfully started up alternator and it started to ouptut bit over 14V. When alternator was connected to battery it gave out briefly 5A of current, pedalling bit more and again biref spike of current. What turned out is that when alternator reached its cut in rpm and it started to put power out then string started to slip and alternator slowed down so much that it was no
I rebuilded my bike rig bike tyre went back on, attached toy car tyre to alternator and pushed this against bike tyre. This seemed to have better trackion than with strings and actually it was much easier to peddal without load. After wiring alternator back up similar problem happened. When alternator cuts in it gives peak of current and then nothing anymore. I tested with open circuit while measuring voltage on alternator terminals. It produced nivcely 14V and then after a while peddalling went harder and voltage dropped down to around 6V.
There are 3 terminals on alternator. 1) ground 2) + output 3) connection with marking +D, this must be excitation connection. Between output and ground is capacitor, disconnected one end and checked, this was holding voltage. When letting some current to excitation pole alternator cut in pint was at lower rpm. This all seemed like there is some short circuit within alternator as even if not wires are connected it consumes power and puts nothing out.
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