Setting up weatherstation was very easy, everything is plug and play. Total 5 AA batteries was needed to power everything and alkaline batteries should last up to one year. Main unit needs 3 batteries and has also power adapter. I mounted main unit onto the wall with screws just next to "serverroom". I drilled 2x12mm holes hext to eachother and passed data- and powercables through it so they are invisible when watching main units display. As unit has atom clock then right after powering up it discovered on its own correct date and time. Outer unit have 3 cable connectionholes, for rainsensor, for windsensor and for cable connection. When batteries were inserted and after pressing + button for 2s everything was ready to go, wireless link was up and running.
I live on first floor in 3 story house and when receiver is located near east side of house and transmitter in west side then there is no reception as too many concrete walls diagonally weaken signal too much. Placing transmitter directly overhead gave me proper reception.
Most important feature for me of this weatherstation is PC connection. Heavy Weather software enables real time display of weather conditions, creating some graphs and generating image to be published on web. Everything is very simple and my grandma could do this. Unfortunately this simplicity makes software not flexible and permits advanced analysis of it. I asked from La Crosse France to share technical data eg how to read their history file with my own program and i received back random email template that pleace go to and you find excellent programs. I exlained again that their programs suck for demanding users but they replyed how pity they are but they will not give out any useful information. But nothing to worry about, i have enough technical knowledge and i will break their protocols, build my own application and publish this here if i just find enough free time.
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